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Bobo Ski Waten Taten
The Thread Follows the Needle
Baa Baa Black Sheep
Radio, Let's Go
Son Makaron
These are Grandma's Glasses
The Darby Ram
Bate Bate Chocolate
Uno Dos Y Ana
I'm a Nut
I Have a Little Dreidel/ Dreidel Calypso
Hannukah, Oh Hannukah (2-Part Vocal Arrangement)
Skating Away
Sister Phoebe
Snow Falls Down to the Ground
Ring Out the Old
Lullaby, Oh Lullaby
The Birdies Fly Away
Riding in the Buggy
Concentration Doodly Wah
Black Socks
Xiao Fei Ji
Twinkle Twinkle Little Star (Pakistani Version)
Oh, Row the Rattlin' Bog
Donkeys and Carrots
All Around the Buttercup
You're a Grand Old Flag
Table Beat
Wee Willie Winkie
Ebeneezer Sneezer
Old Mister Rabbit
Naughty Kitty Cat (and Gato Travieso)
Step, Clap, and Shuffle
Pizza, Pizza
I Know a Washer Woman
I'm So Glad
If I Were a Snowman
In and Out the Dusty Bluebells
Jack Can I Ride?
Jenny Get Your Hoe Cake Done
Deck the Halls
Johnny Boker
Jump In, Jump Out
Lemonade, Crunchy Ice
O Mo Chi Oh Tsu Ki Ma Sho (Let's Pound Rice Cakes)
Up the Tall White Candlestick
Little Johnny Brown
Little Kitty Whitey-Toes
My Dog Treed a Rabbit
Mix a Pancake
Mary Wore Her Red Dress
One Day Turkey Went for a Walk
Little Tommy Tucker
Five Little Chickadees
Red White and Blue
The Children of Job
We Are Thankful
The Turkey is a Funny Bird
Noel Nouvelet
Mmm, This-a-Way
Oh, I'll Tell Mother
Ohio River
Old Mother Brown
Old Mother Hubbard
Once I Saw a Little Bird
Pass the Cards Around
San Chan Ga (Monkey Drawing Song)
Five Little Ducks
Inky, Binky, Jim and John
Quack, Quack Quack (a song for teaching mf and mp)
Hush Little Minnie
Nenne (Sleep)
Please Put in One Shoe
My Hands Upon My Head I Place
Fare Thee Well
Miss Sally's Goodbye Song
Shalom Chaverim
Who is Next To?
Come and Pass the Sticks Around
Bubblegum, Bubblegum In A Dish
Paw Paw Patch
Game: Race to the Board
Game: Name That Tune
Game: The Number Line Game
Game: Cup Beats
Game: Ostinato Challenge
Dog Drawing Chant
Mouse Drawing Song (The Sort-of Healthy Breakfast)
Upside-Down Mouse Drawing Song
Teddy Bear Drawing Song
Ni Chan Ga: Duck Drawing Song (Ekaki Uta)
Game: Spell My Name Game
Bounce One, Bounce Two
Say Your Name
Long Legged Llama
The Hiding Song
Scotland's Burning
Gentle Song
Oliver Twist
Apple Tree
The Jolly Ploughboy
Pass the Flying Pumpkin
Five Batty Bats
A Thief Came and Stole Two Sheep
Teddy Bear
Miss Polly Had a Dolly
Two, Four, Six, Eight
A Capital Ship
A Ship A-Sailing
A-Tisket, A-Tasket (Southern U.S. Version)
Alabama Gal
All 'Round the Brickyard
Old Betty Larkin
A Quiet Little Mouse
Flow Gently Sweet Afton
Bim Bum
The Bird's Courting Song
As I Was Walking Down the Lake
Buy a Penny Ginger
Catching Polar Bears
Let Every Sleeper Waken
Change and Change
Little Circle, Little Circle (Pig Drawing Song)
Come Through the Sawmill
Who's That
Doggy Doggy Diamond
Double Double This This
La Reina Berenguela
Down by the River
Draw a Bucket of Water (Hippopotamus Version)
Engine Engine Number Nine
Round and Around
Fiddle Dee Dee
Parlez-vous Français
Gino's Pizza Restaurant
Four White Horses
Git Along Little Dogies
Go to Sleepy
Hinx Minx
Hop Up and Jump Up
How Many Miles To London Town?
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